Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas, Job, and Carrie Update
Monday, December 15, 2008
Graduation & Arizona!! Finally!
Our time as college students has finally come to an end. Justin graduated on Friday the 12th from BYU-I in Business Management. We had both sets of parents come to Rexburg for the occasion and to help us move. (Thanks to Justin's parents for most of the help in loading and cleaning in Rexburg and Rebecca's parents for unloading and cleaning in the new house in Arizona). The weather was horrible the whole way in between and caused quite a few problems. On Friday night, a huge storm was supposed to be rolling in around midnight in southern Idaho and keep going all night moving into Utah all day Saturday... right in our path of travel. Because of that, we decided to skip the second half of graduation ceremonies (the walking across the stage part... sorry Justin) and try to beat the storm. We hit some snow, but it wasn't sticking to the ground yet. We pulled into American Fork, UT at 2:30 in the morning. Yuck.
Then Justin and my dad started driving again Saturday morning around 10am (Justin driving the moving truck towing a car and my dad driving the other car). A few hours down the road a tire on the tow dolly blew and it took an hour to get fixed. In that hour, the snow caught up to them so they had to go 30 mph in a whiteout for a while. They went through Las Vegas to try to stay in warmer weather and when it came time to cross the Hoover Dam, they couldn't because the Dam people would have to be able to search the rental truck. (Pun intended) They went around the Dam and finally pulled into Mesa at 2:30 in the morning (again). What should have been a 10 hour trip took 16... My mom and I got to fly from Salt Lake so we got the easy way out :)
We spent Monday unloading (thanks to a few guys from our new ward) and unpacking and organizing (thanks to Dad and Libby). We're getting settled slowly and it's a pain trying to decide where everything should go! I'll post a picture of us and the house later. We're so excited to be out of school and out of the snow!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Extra Ultrasound!
Well, we had an extra ultrasound and got another peek at our beautiful little girl (and she is a girl, we double checked). We also had the tech check to see if Carrie had any hair and she does :) Not a ton, but it's there. Anyways, the reason for the extra ultrasound was not so fun. At my doctor's appointment on Thursday morning when the doctor measured my belly, I measured 3 weeks behind. He was "concerned" about her growth, especially since I had been measuring about a week ahead my last 2 appointments, so we set up an ultrasound for a couple hours later to double check. No worries though, all is well. She ended up measuring 3 or 4 days behind my dates, but that is much better than the 3 weeks we were afraid of. She weighs 3 pounds 12 ounces now, which is right on target. Her expected weight at birth is the 39th percentile which is about 6 pounds 12 ounces. (Sounds perfect to me, just a tiny bit small, but still healthy) :)