Carrie is 3 months old now and got her ears pierced on Friday!Sitting in the ear-piercing chair
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Pierced Ears!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter Trip to New Mexico
Sorry it's been so long since I posted! It's been on my to-do list for almost a week. As you might imagine, life is pretty busy around here. Last Monday (during Easter week), we went to the temple visitors center with some non-member friends. We had originally gone to see the Easter Pageant, but none of us thought about the fact that it was family night and wasn't being performed...The rest of the pictures are from our trip to New Mexico to be with Justin's family for Easter. It was Carrie's first road trip and first time out of Arizona. Because the trip is 6 hours long and I didn't know how well Carrie would tolerate it, I sat in the backseat so I wouldn't have to reach back everytime she needed something. However, she was a breeze! She was alseep within a couple minutes of hitting the road and only woke up when I changed her diaper half way through the trip when we stopped for lunch. She ate and went right back to sleep for the rest of the way. :)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Coyotes Game!
Carrie went with us to the Phoenix Coyotes Hockey game last night. We had great seats (300 dollars worth) for FREE! Because Justin works for them he gets tickets to the games. Their season ends next week so we thought we'd better take Carrie to a free game :) Marissa came with us too. Justin's boss was working as "Howler" the mascott and we were able to snap a quick picture with him. Here are a few more pics from the game. (And by the way, PHX won!)