(more details later)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
7 Month Stats
Carrie will be 7 months old tomorrow!! Wow!! Anyways, here's how she's "measuring up".
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Go Wonder Woman, Go!!
My sister Marissa (along with some friends) went to Six Flags a couple weeks ago. They brought a souvenir home for Carrie- A Wonder Woman Onesie... Here are some pictures our friend Kevin Beeson took.
Carrie has been learning like crazy this past couple of weeks. It seems like every day she catches on to something new. Here are a few things she's been up to lately.
-Goes from sitting to laying be leaning forward and "lunging" to land on her tummy. Nothing should be considered out of reach anymore.
-Moves like crazy all over the room, though still no official "crawling"
-The last few days she's been talking more and today she said "hi dada" (with a little prompting). Her "hi" sounds more like a sigh, but that's the sound she makes after we say "hi" to her, so I think it counts...
-LOVES standing and always wants to be walking. She's actually getting very coordinated with 'left, right, left, right' and picking up her feet to move. I usually get bored of holding her hands before she gets bored of walking.
-On Sunday she was "singing along" with the hymns in Sacrament Meeting. Luckily, she did NOT try to sing during the prayers.
-She'll be 7 months old in a few days and I'll post some growth stats soon.
News for Justin- As of today, he hasn't heard back from the people at 5 & Diner for the manager position. Hopefully that's not a bad thing. He'll be going in tomorrow to "check up" on things. He also has another interview with another company in Phoenix tomorrow. I'm not really sure exactly what it's for, but the next time I blog, I'll update on it.
News for Rebecca- My shift for the new temp agency (working with hospitals instead of Doctor's offices) fell through tonight. Hospitals are much less stable because the amount of staff needed depends on the number of patients. Apparently the patient count went down because they said they didn't need me tonight. I still am fortunate to be getting some hours with the Doctor's offices though. By the end of the week, I will have worked 3 days for them.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
"Count Your Many Blessings..."
It seems we've complained enough lately and things are turning around. Well, I guess we've been praying and paying tithing enough lately. Justin is all-but-officially hired as a night manager at 5 & Diner and has another interview with a marketing company in Phoenix next week. He's healing up great from his hernia surgery and is almost completely back to normal.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Oh the things we wish for...
I wish...
-I could find a real job
-I had a nice new truck
-I wasn't in pain (surgery recovery is still bugging me)
I wish...
-My hair looked like this picture (from a few years ago)
-I didn't have to work
-I had a personal trainer
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Pioneer Pictures
One of the "booths" for the Pioneer Day Celebration in Ramah was Old Time Photos. So here you go, our Pioneer family.