Since I know I have a tendency to ramble once I get going, I'm going to do this in bullets. (It probably won't help)
-If you remember semi-recently, we had found a scorpion on the wall in our bathroom. In the last 2 weeks, we've found 2 more! First, on the floor in the kitchen. The next day, we had the apartment's bug guy spray outside. Last night, Justin came out of our bedroom into the living room very very angry. He said "I found ANOTHER scorpion!!!" This time it was on our BED! When we went back into the room.... it wasn't there anymore. It got LOST in our bed! Luckily, when Justin sloooowly pulled back the sheets we found it and were able to kill it. It's sad, but amazingly, it wasn't hard to go to sleep last night.
-Doing amazing at his new job after the first 2 weeks of training.
-Got a 95% on a test about things he's learned in training
-All the other trainees come to him with their questions
-Looks ridiculously handsome every day in a collared shirt
-Got his first paycheck today (yeah!!)
-Got to attend his very first college football game tonight (ASU) with a friend from work
-Has been working 4 days a week
-Started teaching piano lessons again (it's been a while)
-Work offered me two extra weeks on top of next week which I already agreed to. I will be calling them back on Monday to politely decline. I am soooo ready to be a full-time stay at home mom for a little while.
-Excited to spend some time working on our family halloween costumes (we're all going to be bugs. I promise to post pictures!)
-Has mastered going from laying (and crawling) to sitting.
-Pulls herself up to stand at EVERYTHING
-Everything includes her crib... Not very much fun for mom & dad at 6:15 in the morning when she thinks it's time to get up. Before she knew how to stand up, she would usually fall back asleep in the early morning hours. Now, she is fully awake and ready to go. Standing and waiting for us to come get her...
-Has made a huge leap in food. We started more table foods and now baby food is almost completely undesirable to her. (What can of worms did I open?!) One of her current favorite foods is toast.
-One of her favorite passtimes is playing in the vertical blinds of the sliding glass door and looking out the window.