The first thing that's working out is ME! Yeah, I finally did my Jillian Michaels workout DVD yesterday. I woke up pretty sore today, but it felt good finally having "gotten around to it". The next step will be doing it consistently... We'll see how that goes.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Things are "Workin' Out"
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Playing Outside
We spent a lot of time outside today. First, we sat for about an hour on my parents driveway with our new craigslist couches and my mom's carpet cleaner/upholstery attachment. It'll probably take one or two more times of cleaning to finally be really good. At least we have time (and my parents' garage to store them in). Since a few of you have asked, here's a couple pictures of the couches. (Some of the spots you can see are wet spots from me cleaning today)
We had so much fun! I love mommy-daughter playdates!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Pictures Galore and Feeling Crummy
I usually poke fun at people who post oodles of pictures from the same sitting. Well, sorry. Today I'm one of those people. One picture couldn't capture the minutes of fun going on, so I posted several. I also had to "show off" her new cheesy grin. It's actually a little scary looking... Good thing she's cute when she's not making this face. One picture though, finally shows Carrie's teeth! That's right, I said TEETH, as in plural! She's had her one single little tooth for almost two months, but the second one finally decided to show up just a few days shy of 13 months! My brother Jake had said that Carrie looked like the babies in cartoons - you know, they always have only one bottom tooth? -
Onto the second part of the post title. It seems like Justin has been sick on and off all winter. This week early early morning Tuesday, he started throwing up every 20 minutes for a few hours. I had to go to work, but a friend took him into Urgent Care when they opened at 8. He got an anti-nausea med and came home to rest. The nausea subsided, but a nasty cough, sinus pressure headache, sore throat, super stuffy and runny nose set in to take its place. Over the next few days he kept getting worse. He missed work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday, he finally said, "Ok, I have to try to go into work because this is ridiculous, I can't keep missing work!". He lasted the whole day, but came home feeling worse than before.
Finally Saturday night, about 10 minutes before closing, we went back to the Urgent Care. His little virus bug, has blown into a nasty bronchitis infection. We got an antibiotic, a lung corticosteroid, and super-cough medicine. He is now taking a nap and hopefully will be feeling significantly better by tomorrow morning, for a full week of work. Man, I hate sickness. I guess if it weren't around though, I'd be out of a job. :)
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
New Tricks and House Pics!
Carrie's newest trick... When asked "where's your nose?" she responds with "sniffle, sniffle, sniffle" and an adorable nose crinkle! It's the best. It's the only body part she'll do correctly so we're savoring it for a few days before we try to teach her other parts.

Friday, February 12, 2010
Sweeping, Slumber Parties, and Other Stuff
Here's my super-helper, sweeping the entryway. I love that she picks up on stuff like that. She knew exactly what to do with the broom. I tried to get a video, but two seconds after I thought about it, the batteries died. Oh well.
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Party All Night
Carrie decided it would be fun to be awake from 1am to 3:30am last night. ???? She wasn't sad, hurt, sick, or anything. In fact, she was just the opposite. Wide awake, jabbering, giggling, clapping... ready to play. Since Justin has to get up at 5 to go to work, he got to shut our bedroom door and go back to sleep. I layed on Carrie's floor half-asleep while she wandered her room in the dark playing. All of this, of course is after trying all the regular things. She had a clean diaper, a full tummy, a binky, even soft music after a while. Nothing worked.
I felt dumb letting her play around in the dark, but she didn't seem to mind, and I got to at least rest a little. She finally fell asleep around 3:30 next to me on the floor. And I finally got to go back to bed. I had hoped that her little middle of the night adventure would mean she would sleep in, even a little bit. Nope. Rise and shine at 7:15 :)
To try to boost my energy and wake up a little more, I decided to workout while she was eating breakfast. Last week, my grandparents were in town and my Grandma invited me to do her workout video with her. My Grandma, who will be 70 in a couple weeks, was doing "Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred" It's insane!! And we only did level one! Anyways, she bought me my own copy of the DVD so I popped it in this morning. And all for nothing. Carrie has "misplaced" the DVD remote control. I couldn't get past the menu. So much for getting up and going.
I thought for sure I'd get a small break this morning during Carrie's morning nap. Hah! What morning nap?! She was wide awake! I don't know how, but she never fell asleep. She just whined for about half an hour until I got her back up.
Fortunately she's been in a good mood. We got to spend a few hours with a couple of my friends from high school and their little girls. It was a fun playdate. On the way home, I decided we needed to go get Carrie's lab work done (standard hemoglobin and lead check). I've had the lab orders for 2 weeks and keep forgetting to do them. By the time I pulled up to the lab, Carrie had fallen asleep in her carseat. The mean mom that I am though, I got her out anyways. I figured if I went home instead, the second I took her out of the carseat to go inside she'd wake up anyways.
Now labs are done, we are home and Carrie is sleeping. Finally!! I think I'll try to grab a short nap while she's still down. Whew!
Friday, February 5, 2010
Total Loss & Total Gain
Good news, the car wreck insurance mess is over! Bad news, our car did end up getting totaled. Back to good news; the insurance company paid us way more than we expected for our totaled car. So for now, Justin will be driving my mom's car until we find a new one. We have a friend who is a car broker and is working on finding us a deal. Luckily, with the insurance settlement check, we should hopefully be able to avoid a car payment on a "new" car.
So, that was the "total loss". And now for the TOTAL GAIN. Drumroll........... We put an offer on a house and it got accepted!!!!! WE'RE GOING TO BE HOMEOWNERS!!! (We're super excited, in case you couldn't tell)