Carrie had her 4 month check up today:
weight: 11 lbs 8 oz, 10th percentile
height: 24 inches, 50th percentile
She also got her second round of shots and did great. She only cried for about 10 seconds after they were done. Then she drank about an ounce from the bottle I had ready and fell asleep in my arms before we even got out to the car. What a trooper :)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
4 month stats
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Justin found the camera cord!
Yeah, I can post pictures now! Of course the camera cord was "in plain sight" sitting in a pile of cable and internet cords in the living room. Our apartment is slowly coming together. We actually painted Carrie's room yesterday (thanks mom and dad). I'll get a picture of it as soon as we get all the furniture out of the middle of the room. :)
So here's catching up on the pictures from the last few weeks. Carrie likes to turn sideways in her crib. I thought this picture was funny with her dress spread everywhere.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Catching up a little
Agghhh! This post won't be nearly as good a quality as I want it to be because I'm going to try to catch up on the last few weeks without writing a novel. A LOT has happened. First, here's a couple videos. They're from my phone, so the quality isn't the best. I would post more pictures too, but I have temporarily lost my camera cord to upload the pics to my computer. I'll find it soon.
The best tummy time she's ever had. She wasn't shoving her face into the ground screaming :)
I'm so glad I caught this on camera. She started playing with the toys with her feet!!
Now to the news -- First of all, Justin got two jobs - yeah!! Both are paid only on commision, so that kind of stinks, but hey, a job's a job.
One of them he is a sales agent for Freedom Team Financial. They help people modify their home loans. There's a lot more stuff involved obviously, but I don't exacty know what it all is.
The other job (which is occupying all of his time) is door-to-door pest control sales in the hot, yucky Arizona aternoon heat. *By the way, he's out now and it's currently 98 degrees, or so my computer says... it probably feels a lot hotter than that*
I have picked up a couple shifts next week at a doctor's office and in the last couple weeks I've spent a few days tutoring a girl for 7th grade math. It's been good to be able to bring in a little extra money. *Plug for myself- does anyone need a trained, experienced math tutor or piano teacher? CALL ME!! 480-861-1986*
Our anniversary was on the 2nd :) 3 years already?! It's crazy, but it's been great so far! Compared to our weekend trip to Jackson, Wyoming last year for our anniversary, we grossly undercelebrated this year. We went to the dollar theater at the mall and then the food court for dinner. Our entire date cost $18. I actually am pretty proud of it because we still enjoyed being together and remembering the last fabulous 3 years!
On the 5th we moved into a new apartment! We now have a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom all to ourselves :) Carrie has moved up from our closet to a whole bedroom with a closet of her own! It's still a mess, and it's hard for me to get stuff done, especially since Justin works until around 9 at night and every Saturday. Slowly, it's getting organized.
Carrie is learning how to take naps and isn't loving it. For example, yesterday she went down at 9, woke up at 9:30, 10, 10:15 and 11. Each time she woke up, all it took was me going in, giving her binky back and she was right back asleep. So she really got the whole 2 hours of nap, but did it in 4 spurts. She's getting better everyday though. She's been sleeping 11 hours at night for weeks. It's awesome! We're so spoiled!
I'll probably remember something that I wanted to say later, but that's all for now. So much for not writing a novel ;)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sorry For the Slacking
I'm sorry it's been a while, I'd really like to post at least once a week... We moved this last week, our house is a mess (filled with still-packed boxes), Justin got a job that keeps him working til 9:30 every night, and we're trying to get Carrie into a better napping schedule... I'll write more and post pictures when my life is a little more sane. I promise. :)