We have SOOO much to be thankful for. But, in order to try to avoid a really lengthy post, I'll try to narrow the list down to our top ten (in no particular order).
1. Our family is sealed for Eternity (FOR-EV-ER)
2. The Gospel (where, oh where would we be without it?)
3. Justin (aka Daddy, Husband)
4. Rebecca (aka Mommy, Wife)
5. Carrie (aka Daughter, Center of the Universe)
6. Jobs/Income (Finally)
7. Warm apartment (or cool, when summer calls for it)
8. Loving Families (who took care of us before we had jobs)
9. Food, Clothes, Furniture etc. (the "stuff" of life)
10. The Atonement (This one's a gimme)
Hope everyone's Thanksgiving was fantastic! If you haven't counted your blessings yet today, go do it now!!
P.S. Pictures and Video from today coming soon :)
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Counting Our Many Blessings
Monday, November 23, 2009
10 months!!
Time is flying!! Carrie is 10 months old today. :) Here are the stats on our big girl.
Weight: 16 lbs, 15 oz. .........10th percentile
Length: 28 1/4 inches ........55th percentile
The newest thing she's gotten really good at.... giving kisses. If I ask her "Carrie, can mommy have kisses?" she'll lean in for them! She used to just let us give her kisses, but now she's giving us kisses. Yesterday before church, Justin was asking her to give him kisses and she kept leaning back for more kisses even when he didn't ask. It was adorable.
Another note to prove her excellent observation skills; this morning I was cutting Carrie's fingernails. When I was done, Carrie wanted the clippers. She then proceded to tap at my fingers with them... Cutting my fingernails. It amazes me how much she already picks up on. I guess it's already time to make sure we're watching what we're doing because Carrie is sure to copy us soon!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
There's a Storm Brewin'
A.K.A. Carrie "The Hurricane" Greer... (Isaac that was for you)

Monday, November 9, 2009
Peace & Quiet...
Ahhhh... sleeping baby. I better hurry and finish this post before she wakes up! Carrie has discovered through her walking exploration of the house, that she can reach the piano keys. :) It's really cute to see her walk over to the piano and play a few notes. She's very delecate in her playing, one finger at a time. She's getting better at walking while only holding on to someone or something with one hand instead of both.
. .
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Well we sure had a fun and festive last couple of days celebrating Halloween. Friday the 30th we celebrated my birthday! The big 2-2... OK, so there's nothing special about turning 22, but I had a good birthday anyways. Carrie and I got dressed up in our costumes and visited my mom in her 6th grade classroom. Everyone, of course, thought she was adorable. :) Later that night we went to our ward Halloween party. We ate chili and rolls and hung out with some friends. They had a few things for primary-age kids like a cakewalk and face painting. Nothing much that babies can really enjoy, but we still had fun showing off our cute little butterfly. My parents came over after our ward party and brought us Nelisen's Concretes (ice cream) and played cards for my birthday. (Thanks for letting me win daddy)
Saturday, (Halloween) we "babysat" our friends the Beesons in the afternoon and evening. Their parents and their 17 year old went, along with my parents and brothers, to Eastern Arizona College for a full day of tours and free tickets to the homecoming game. We got a smidgen of a taste of what it might be like to have 6 kids. Their kids that were left at home are 13, 11, 8, 8, & 8 (and then Carrie). We played card games, ordered pizza, and then got all dressed up again to go trick-or-treating!! Carrie first experience with it... I think she got bored pretty quick, but she wasn't complaining so we actually stayed out pretty long. We were out from about 6:15-8:15.
Considering Carrie is usually in bed around 7:30, she did great. She did have a treat bucket, but we only collected about 5 pieces for her (us). It was a new experience being the mom for a trick-or-treating trek. Trying to keep track of all your kids and making sure they say thank-you etc... It was fun to go though. It's probably been 7-8 years since I really went trick-or-treating. When we got home and put Carrie to bed, we made popcorn and watched "Hocus Pocus", my pick. That is my favorite Halloween movie. Only half the kids stayed awake through the whole movie. I guess walking the neighborhood really wore them out.
It was tons of fun and we got TONS of pictures. In case you can't tell from the pictures, Carrie is a butterfly princess, I am a ladybug, and Justin is a spider. (I may have to make Justin put his costume on one more time so I can get a good picture of it.) If any of you are familiar with Carrie, you know that she is not a cuddler. At all. So the picture of her laying her head on my chest proves that she was really really tired (it was towards the end of our trip). If you see people you don't know in the pictures, they are some friends we walked around with. I hope you enjoy the pictures. (Oh, and I tried to get a picture of my new hair... it's not the greatest picture, but I do LOVE my haircut!)