A.K.A. Carrie "The Hurricane" Greer... (Isaac that was for you)

Crazy Hair

Well, our little baby girl is growing up so fast it's a blur..., no wait, it's actually Carrie that's a blur. That girl is soooo fast now. If she were just brave enough to walk without holding on to something, she'd be all over the place. As it is, she moves extremely fast. Everywhere. And is very curious. Meaning she likes to explore and get in to everything!
I'm going to try this post as if it were several posts (like it probably should have been, over the last week or two)
Future Nobel Prize Winner
You didn't know that the "E" in Carrie E. Greer really stood for "Einstein" did you?... OK, it really is Elizabeth, but I can prove she's a genius (or that Justin and I are very easily impressed.)
A few days ago, I was in the bathtub and Justin had come into the bathroom to get ready with Carrie in tow. She immediately came over to the tub, stood up next to it and proceeded to whine and pull at her pajamas like she was trying to take them off. Justin jokingly said "Oh are you trying to take off your jammies so you can get in the tub?". Then we looked at each other and realized that 's exactly what she was trying to do! She was so frustrated that she couldn't figure out how to get them off so she could get in the tub!
The next example happened only about 10 minutes later. She was pawing at my makeup bag trying to get a hold of whatever I was trying to apply at the time. She watched me put on my mascara and since she was so insistent on reaching for the tube, I closed it and gave it to her to play with for a few minutes. When I turned around a minute later, she had to tube to her eyes, closing them and rubbing the end of the (closed) tube on her eyes... She can't be that observant yet can she?! Now, these may have just been flukes, but Justin and I were amazed and impressed at our awesome little girl. :)
Relief Society Craft Night!!
Last week, our relief society had a craft night and I signed up for this fabulous "wall deco" project. It's craft paper glued onto painted wooden boards. This was the one I made at the craft night. I haven't decided where to put it yet...
It was fun to make and they had some extra wood at the end of the night so I did a few more projects on my own at home. This next picture is one I decided to make for if and when we have a baby boy.
And lastly, my favorite... The one for Carrie's room! In the picture it's hard to see all the cute designs on the paper, but I love it! I'm so excited to hang it up!
I hope you can see from the picture; somehow a few days ago, right after I finished doing Carrie's hair... this happened... It's all spiked up on top! She must have bumped up against the couch or something, but it was perfectly spiked! And because I had just done her hair, the gel was still wet so it stuck like that. I had to start all over with a girl hair-do...
What Does a Puppy Say?
Ok, so she can't quite answer that question yet. But, she does know how a puppy holds things: in their mouth. This is, strangely, her favorite way to transport a toy if she's going to crawl somewhere else in the room to play with it. I think she's just about the cutest little puppy you'll ever see.
When Left Unsupervised...
This picture was taken last week when I was babysitting a 3 month old. NOw I'm not used to 2 babies. I was sitting in the living room feeding Kendall (the other baby) while Carrie snuck off around the corner to play with the IKEA magazine and the Ensigns. Oh how much fun can happen in 2 minutes. :)
Big Helper
A few more things she likes to do lately: help "sort" the laundry. I'm not sure what her categories are, but she's very particular and doesn't like any help.
She's also a fantastic copycat. Her specialty is coughing, but recently she's been known to "wheeee!" and thanks to her daddy... burp. She tries to imitate the burping sound if she hears it. My precious little girly-girl...
And a picture just because... We occasionally miss Rexburg. Here's a picture one of my brother's friends took at Rexburg's local Sonic. Oh, how we miss our days in a Mormon College town. :)

1 comment:
Carrie really is super cute!! I love the sorting laundry and the mascara story. What a funny girl. I understand the magazine picture. Our Friend magazine is all torn up thanks to a little 8 mo. old. and there are several books that have been pulled off of my bookshelf and are strewn across the floor right now for the same reason. I love it when babies start to try and communicate in ways other than crying. I love the copycat thing. You've got one cute girl on your hands. I also love your wall hangings. Good job!!!
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