Carrie's first steps have come and gone. She can officially walk! She will very occasionally let go of something and walk on her own. Right now, it's mostly only when we set her up between people. She can, however, walk pretty long distances. (Well, when you're 2 foot 4, across the family room is a very long distance).
Saturday night we got her to walk between people for the first time. Then, she would only do 1-2 steps at a time, and most of it was moving her feet as she fell towards the other person. After several tries at that, you could see her brain "click" and she actually tried to walk, not just stumble to avoid a face-plant. We randomly had our video camera with us at my parents that night, so we got a few minutes recorded. Unfortunately, because it's on our video camera and not our camera camera, we don't know how, or if we even can, load it onto the computer.
Sunday night at dinner is when she really took off. That's when we started scooting back so she had to walk further and she got as far as the length of the family room. I think she really likes all the attention ie: cheering, laughing, clapping, woohooing etc. I'm sorry to say, we have yet to geta good video that we can post. I'll work on that.
Now, about the pictures and videos from Thanksgiving I promised...
Thanksgiving morning Justin went to play flag football with the elders, and Carrie and I went to watch and play at the park. Carrie had her first try down the slide, and loved it! Of course, I didn't have my camera though... So I thought, "Ok, we'll have to go to the park later this afternoon and get some on video" Later in the morning we went to the movies with my family (a fabulous tradition if you ask me). We saw "The Blind Side", the football movie with Sandra Bullock. **Go see this movie! It's awesome!**
Anyways, we left Carrie with Tanner, our neighbor, and as we were leaving, she was having a bottle and about ready to go down for a nap. Apparently, when she finished her bottle, she was ready to play... and never took a nap... So this next picture is of Carrie's first Thanksgiving dinner at 2pm. Now remember, she had no morning nap, so she'd been awake and playing for about 6-7 hours.Can you see how tired and glazed over her eyes are? We couldn't get her to smile for the picture. She stayed awake for about 3 minutes after this picture. She ate her Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, yams, mashed potatoes, peas and a roll) and went right down to take a 3 1/2 hour nap. I think that sounds about right after Thanksgiving dinner. ;) The point is, by the time she woke up, it's was almost dark, so we never made it back to the park.
So many exciting things keep happening when I'm not ready to "record" them!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
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What a big girl! How exciting!!!
That is a cute picture of Carrie. She DOES look pretty dazed. Wow, walking!! That's a big milestone.
She is so adorable and growing so unbelievably fast. I can't believe how big she looks in the high chair. Carrie, I miss you!!! Love and kisses from Nana
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