Saturday, December 17, 2011

Gingerbread, Grandma, & Santa

Last night my mom came to hang out and have a sleepover with Carrie. She brought all the fixings to make graham cracker "gingerbread" houses. Better her than me. I didn't want to deal with the mess. Does that make me a bad mom?.... Don't answer that.... Anyways, I snapped a couple pictures of them near the beginning and then I was off to help decorate Santa's corner for our ward party in the morning.

By the time I got back they'd created a masterpiece!! And apparently giggled a lot!

Tah Dah!! This is now the beautiful centerpiece of our kitchen island :)

She was definitely in a silly mood though. Maybe they ate more sugar than they decorated with.... She ended up crawling under the table and making her posed "grumpy face", which I think looks hilariously close to Zoolander's "Blue Steel"....

In the morning, it was off to have Breakfast with Santa! I made two breakfast casseroles and a big pan of cinnamon rolls to contribute to the pot-luck. Justin had to work, so he missed it and we missed him... But, the food and program were great and Santa was a hit! Carrie's been talking about him for a few weeks now. She was really excited to sit on his lap and tell him she wanted a pink candy cane for Christmas. If only it were that easy.... ;)

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