Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Her Favorite Letter

Every week in preschool, Carrie's class focuses on a different letter. Last week was B, this week was C. Take a look at her in-class worksheet and tell me if you can see which is her favorite letter? ;)

The B worksheet she just scribbled all over and didn't trace the letters. The C worksheet is nicely colored and each C is traced perfectly. She LOVES the letter C, because it's "just for her". If you look closely, you can even see that she wrote the rest of her name above the big C she traced in the middle of the page. I love to see the new things she is learning in preschool! And I love practicing with her at home!

Once we got all ready this morning, I made a comment on how cute we all were, so of course Carrie said, "I'll go get the camera!"

Don't you love how even when she's this close, Carrie still wants to hold Brigee's hand?

I know these next three pictures look almost identical, but there are little differences in the faces she's making, and I love them all so much I couldn't decide which one(s) to cut out! So you get them all!! Plus, her hair is in a perfect little wave today. It's too cute!

1 comment:

The Gatherers said...

Wow you have done a ton of catch up! Great job! Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun, your girls are too cute!