Monday, August 27, 2012

In A Super Schlumpy Mood

First of all, I know I probably shouldn't be taking pictures during Sacrament Meeting, but this was too cute. I couldn't resist..... I was very discreet and as soon as I snapped this, I put my phone away. ;) Because Brigette is such a good nurser, neither Justin nor Carrie gets to feed her very often. They both enjoyed this moment :)

Last night was the first time we tried Brigette in her own room for the night. She looked so cute and tiny in her crib.

I was nervous because I took the monitor from Carrie's room so I could hear Brigette, but then I was worried about both of them! I couldn't SEE Brigette and couldn't HEAR Carrie. I was a mess going to bed. I should have taken that as a sign...

Brigette did ok for the first long stretch, but when she woke up to eat at 2:30, she wouldn't go back to sleep..... I was up on and off with her until 4:30... Uggghhhhh....

Today is NOT a good day.....

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