Friday, March 19, 2010

Garden Goal & Mustache March

Yesterday Carrie and I took a walk to Lowes, just a few minutes from our house. We went to look at paint color swatches, but ended up having a lot of fun. After a few minutes in the paint section, we walked out of the store through the "garden center". We walked up and down all the rows of flowers. Carrie loved it! And it was educational too - we pointed out red and yellow and purple etc. Big plants and small plants. I taught her how to smell the flowers. It was the best nature walk I've been on! It was a beautiful 74 degrees outside with the shade of the garden center and all those wonderful flowers.

We also saw the vegetable plants. And we (I) decided on a another new goal. To have a garden. Just a small one in the corner of the yard (when we get into our house). I'm thinking about tomatoes, sweet onions, zucchini and strawberries. Does anyone have experience with any of these plants? Advice? More suggestions?
PART II: Mustache March
Justin's team at work had a "Team building" thing going on for the last few weeks. Towards the end of February, they (all the men) started growing mustaches. [Rebecca's eyes rolling] What-ever. I'm not a fan of facial hair. It's scratchy...
But, the good supportive wife I am, I "OK'd" the mustache growing. Mostly only because I know Justin doesn't absolutely love his job and maybe this would make it a little more fun. He told me after about 2 weeks, they were all itching (literally) to shave, but no one wanted to be the first one to back out.
I guess yesterday they all decided it was over (or Justin wimped out first) because last night he made me take a picture of his mustache.... and then he shaved!! Yeah!
The first thing I did once he was all clean shaven was give him a big non-scratchy kiss. What a relief. My husband has his face back!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Wow, he does look different with his mustache. I know of a great site that my Aunt and Grandpa put together on gardening and other preparedness stuff. It's really good.


check it out it's awesome!!! Gardening will be one of my goals this year as well.