Tuesday, September 18, 2012


It's only 2:45, but I'm beyond ready for bed already. This morning I...

-went to workout group from 8-8:45
-did carpool drop-off for preschool
-went to Marissa's house to help her paint the baby's room
-came home to put dinner in the crockpot
-calmed a super fussy baby
-crash-napped on the couch with a finally napping baby
-checked in on refinancing our house
-and blogged about it... 

Now I'm finally off to go shower so I can teach piano lessons in an hour! It seems like such tiny trivial stuff, but I'm exhausted! My bigger dilemma lately is trying to decide if I want to take on more piano students. A friend of mine who also teaches is already full, but still has people requesting lessons, so she gave them my info...

My lazy side says, "No way, I've got enough to do"... My logical side says, "You're only teaching for 4 hours a week... In your own home... Making great money... A few more students wouldn't be that big of a deal, but could make some extra cash... Extra cash is always nice..." Uggghh... Decisions...

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